City of Hope Kingdom Building Training Classes
Classes will consist of entrepreneurs and ministry leaders who are skilled leaders in their field of expertise. They will provide our community with the tools, training and support needed to succeed professionally and personally thereby advancing the Kingdom of God.
Our instructors are committed to supporting ministries not only through prayer but ensuring the body of Christ is equipped with the necessary resources to apply in their everyday lives. We want out community to thrive not just exist. As a believer, we should be willing serve wherever we are!
Wednesday October 4th and 18th at 7:30 PM
Elder Designate Jeffery L. Norris Jr.
Founding Pastor

Our Mission for City of Hope Ministries
Our mission is to live in such a way that God’s will be done as we reach out and embrace others to experience the saving grace and power of Our Lord Jesus Christ through tearing down barriers of traditions. We are committed to serving God, impacting lives and saving souls!
Elder Designate – Evangelist Deborah Hill
Assistant Pastor

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