Celebrating the Life of Archdeacon James B. Jones III
Executive Resolution of Sympathy, Respect, and Celebration
For the Home-going of
The Archdeacon of the 3rd Provincial Metropolis,
Promised Land Ministries, Inc.
King James† Bartholomew Jones III
(March 30, 1950 – December 31,2022)
Since it has pleased Almighty God to take our beloved brother on to his reward where he will join that great cloud of witnesses in the heavens; We embrace with mixed feelings of sorrow and celebration as we find peace and joy knowing that our Man of God was able to declare at his departure as did the Apostle Paul to his protégé in;
2 Timothy 4:6-8
For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
We, the “Promised Land Ministries” family, want the family of King James† B. Jones III to know that our hearts are with you as we gather to bid a celebratory farewell to a valiant man of God.
WE FURTHER RESOLVE, that as Deacon Jones, did in the presence of God almighty, the heavenly angels and we his earthly servants, confess Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
WHEREAS Deacon Jones was a reverent man of service who wholeheartedly loved the Lord; A loyal and faithful brother who served his family and community leading in service by his example.
WHEREAS not only is this a loss of a devoted father, brother, and Deacon, he was also a confidant, counselor, and a soldier in the Army of The Lord.
WHEREAS we must accept that the passing of our beloved brother as the divine will of God, and we recognize there is a human tie that has been broken which bleeds the heart in agony and pain. We are encouraged and consoled in the words of Jesus who said, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee”.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we embrace the Jones and Logan family, because all of us have a common bond that will connect us for the rest of our lives. Although Deacon Jones is irreplaceable, we will strive to replicate his love, and maintain his mantra to “Keep the Faith!”
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a period of mourning will be observed to acknowledge the passing of our fallen comrade and Archdeacon, King James Bartholomew Jones III.
To the family, we know our loss is deep and our sorrow is great, but we want you to know that we share in your sorrow, but more importantly, we recognize that our loss is Heaven’s gain.
In conclusion, your Promised Land Ministries family would like you to remember these words:
In case there’s a time when you just need some cheer,
In case there’s a problem you would like us to hear,
In case there’s a favor you would like us to do,
We’re here if you need us, to help see you through.
Humbly submitted on this sixteenth day of January, two thousand and twenty-three.
“We will Fight and We Will Win in The Name of Jesus our King, Keep The Faith!”
Yours in Service to The KING of kings,
Metropolitan & C.E.O.
“God Without Walls!”
3rd Provincial Metropolis HCOC
Reflections from the Friends and Family of
King James† Bartholomew Jones III
Monday January 16, 2023
Celebration of Life 11:00 a.m.
Greater Walters A.M.E. Zion Church
656–28th Street – Newport News, Virginia
Rev. Dr. Mark W. Bass
Apostle Jason† Taylor
The Family of King James B. Jones III Thanks You!
The Family of King James Bartholomew Jones III is eternally grateful for your many expressions of kindness, financial contributions, love, and support during the illness and transition of our loved one.
Thank you to Rev. Dr. Mark Bass and the Greater Walters AMEZ Church Family for hosting the Celebration of Life and feeding the friends and family in attendance.
Special thanks to Matriarch Queen Mother Elaine Logan, Pastor Lisa, Deaconess Kristina, Valarie Clark, Maria Jones, Cheryl Jones, and The Capital Caring Team who took the lead in caring for King James during his final weeks in Hospice at the Logan home.
We pray God’s grace for you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
His Kingdom’s Blessings, ††Joshua Paul