Psalm 33:12 (KJV) 12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.
Psalm 33:18-19 (KJV)
18 Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him,
upon them that hope in his mercy;
19 To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in
Psalm 33:12-22 (MSG) 12 Blessed is the country with GOD for God; blessed are the people he’s put in his will. 13 From high in the skies GOD looks around, he sees all Adam’s brood. 14 From where he sits he overlooks all us earth-dwellers. 15 He has shaped each person in turn; now he watches everything we do. 16 No king succeeds with a big army alone, no warrior wins by brute strength. 17 Horsepower is not the answer; no one gets by on muscle alone. 18 Watch this: God’s eye is on those who respect him, the ones who are looking for his love. 19 He’s ready to come to their rescue in bad times; in lean times he keeps body and soul together. 20 We’re depending on GOD; he’s everything we need. 21 What’s more, our hearts brim with joy since we’ve taken for our own his holy name. 22 Love us, GOD, with all you’ve got— that’s what we’re depending on.
“The eye of the Lord is on them that fear Him, on them that hope in His mercy.” Fear and hope are generally thought to be in conflict with each other, in the presence and worship of God they are found side by side in perfect and beautiful harmony. And this because in God Himself all apparent contradictions are reconciled. Righteousness and peace, judgment and mercy, holiness and love, infinite power and infinite gentleness, a majesty that is exalted above all heaven, and a condescension that bows very low, meet and kiss each other. There is indeed a fear that hath torment, that is cast out entirely by perfect love. But there is a fear that is found in the very heavens. In the song of Moses and the Lamb they sing, “Who shall not fear Thee, O Lord, and glorify Thy name?” And out of the very throne the voice came, “Praise our God, all ye His servants, and ye that fear Him.” Let us in our waiting ever seek “to fear the glorious and fearful name, THE LORD THY GOD.” The deeper we w bow before His holiness in holy fear and adoring awe, in deep reverence and humble self-abasement, even as the angels veil their faces before the throne, the more will His holiness rest upon us, and the soul be filled to have God reveal Himself; the deeper we enter into the truth “that no flesh glory in His presence,” will it be given us to see His glory. “The eye of the Lord is on them that fear Him.”
Waiting on God by Andrew Murray